MasterCraft Defense
Since 1970, MasterCraft Safety® has been a pioneering manufacturer of
innovative safety seating and restraint systems custom tailored to
endure the most extreme environmental conditions and demanding off-road
terrain. Headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, MasterCraft Defense has been supplying tactical and combat vehicles such as LSAC, MRAP, HIMARS, SOTV, NSCV and LTAS with crucial energy attenuating seating and restraints for
over a decade. We are committed to safety and endlessly pursue
enhanced designs and engineering to ensure our products continually
surpass the needs of our service men and women in the most
treacherous of conditions.
MasterCraft Defense’s diversity of product uses have been an invaluable
asset in producing combat-tested and battle-proven energy attenuating
seating and restraints systems. In addition to four decades of real-world
testing and experience in the most extreme off-road racing conditions,
independent tests by nationally recognized laboratories indicate our
suspension seating directly resulted in an 84% reduction of energy in a
50 “G” load impact, or a force equal to that of a NATO STANAG 4569 2A
blast. The 84% reduction in energy resulted in a Dynamic Response Index
well within the survivability range and has further solidified MasterCraft’s commitment to the well-being of our armed forces.
MasterCraft Defense performs 100% screening, statistical
sample inspections, and tests all products to ensure the highest-quality
of construction and workmanship. In addition to testing existing
products, MasterCraft Defense generously invests in research and development
resulting in continuously improved and proven products available
commercially, off the shelf. As a recognized manufacturer of the SFI
Foundation, (an organization established to issue and administer safety
standards for specialty automotive and racing equipment), MasterCraft restraints also meet and exceed SFI specifications and testing
criteria for performance and quality.